Seaborn Plot

Seaborn Plot

Seaborn Plot

Author: Kyobong An


The Seaborn Plot plugin is based on the very popular Python data visualization solution called Seaborn. The plugin takes a set of quantitative data x and y (Excel or CSV file) and generate graphs to visualize the correlations. Users can choose from over 50 different types of graphs. The tool also allows users to set colors for more intuitive representation of their data. For more detailed information about parameters please refer to


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Technical contact to tech@argos-labs.com

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Required Input

  1. Input data file (either .xlsx or csv)
  2. Data header for X and Y axis (header from the first row of the xlsx or csv)
    1. Please note that the row1 of the xlsx/csv must contain “header” of the data column, meaning the first data starts at row2.
    2. Plot type

More details here https://seaborn.pydata.org/introduction.html

Optional Input

  1. Output file path
  2. Sheet name of the input data

Advanced Parameters

  1. Hue (color scheme)
  2. Plot title
  3. Plot title font size
  4. X axis label, font size, and tick
  5. Y axis label, font size, and tick
  6. Plot style (background, grid, color pallet, number of colors, and desaturation rate (proportion)
  7. Subplot adjustment (margin adjustment)

Return Value

  1. Output file full path (Sting, CSV, or File)

Return Code

  • 0 = successful execution
  • 1 = any response from the plugin

Parameter Setting Examples

Please note that the row1 of the xlsx/csv must contain “header” of the data column, meaning the first data starts at row2.

Additional Information about Advanced Parameters


Output Path : Enter your outfile path(extension .png ,.jpg)
default = "output.png" in the directory path of the excel file

Sheet Name : When using an Excel file, you can select a sheet name.

Hue : Grouping variable that will produce elements with different colors.

Plot Title : Enter the title of the plot (only English)            

Plot Fontsize : Enter title fontsize.

X and Y axis

(X, Y) Lable : Enter X and Y axis label in the plot(only English)

(X, Y) Fontsize : Enter X and Y axis fontsize in the plot

(X, Y) Ticks : Enter X and Y axis tick labels of the grid (min, max, step)


Plot Style: Background style of the plots.
choice =   'darkgrid'  'whitegrid’   'dark’   'white’   'ticks’

Palette : Enter a sequence color or palette.


n_colors :            Number of colors in the palette. (Type int)

Desat :                  Proportion to desaturate each color by. (Type float)

Encoding:            Encoding for CSV file, default is “utf-8”

Subplots Adjust

Options to solve when the title of the plot is cut or overlapped

Left: The position of the left edge of the subplots, as a fraction of the figure width.

Right: The position of the right edge of the subplots, as a fraction of the figure width.

Bottom: The position of the bottom edge of the subplots, as a fraction of the figure height.

Top: The position of the top edge of the subplots, as a fraction of the figure height.

When using subplot adjustment option

All Plugins

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