File Folder Op

File Folder Op

File/Folder Operations

File/Folder Operations(FF Op) is a very powerful tool for EDI type automation when used with [File Monitor] operation.

Primary Features

  • Copies a file from a folder to another

  • Moves a file from a folder to another

  • Removes a file from folder to another

  • Creates a file at any directory

  • Rename file

Update 2021.02.18

Input (Required)

  • Function must be selected from the 4 options below
    1. Copy                      You can copy folder or file
    2. Move                    You can move folder or file
    3. Remove               You can remove (delete) folder (contents too) or file
    4. Create                  You can generate folder (empty) or file (0KB)

  • Source File or Folder must be designated for all 4 functions below
    • Copy                     --- put the original folder or file path to be copied
    • Move                    --- put the folder or file path to be moved
    • Remove               --- put the folder or file path to be removed
    • Create                 --- put the folder or file path to be created

  • Target File or Folder must be designated for the 2 functions blow
    • Copy                     --- put the new folder name or file name in full path format
    • Move                    --- put the new folder name or file name in full path format

Input (Advanced)

  • Preserve timestamp         --- keeps the original time stamp when copied
  • Follow symlink                 --- copies and moves with all the symbolic links
  • Overwrite                         --- overwrites If newly generated file name already exists

    --- if not checked, (n) will be added to the end of the new file name

    --- folders are always overwritten

  • Recursive Op                  --- when folder is operated, the operation includes to subfolders

Output (Return Value)

  • String should be selected
  • Return Value is the full path of folder or file that is newly made


Create function

You can create any files with any extension. The file size will be zero byte (0KB).

Need help?

Technical contact to tech@argos-labs.com

May you search all operations,

Use case 1

  1. Prepare variables.
  2. Setup [File Monitor] as a watch dog.
  3. Setup [File Monitor] as a watch dog.
  4. Setup Repeat (just in case you find multiple target files).
  5. Get a time stamp for a unique temporary file name (working file name).
  6. Move the file to a working folder with a temporary name.

Use Case 1

Moving file(s) to a working folder with temporary file name.

Bot looks like this. 4 operations (5 operations with a Repeat loop)

1. Prepare variables.

2. Setup [File Monitor] as a watch dog.

3. Setup [File Monitor] as a watch dog.

4. Setup Repeat (just in case you find multiple target files)

            Also refer to Benny's Secret Functions.

5. Get a time stamp for a unique temporary file name (working file name).

6. Move the file to a working folder with a temporary name.

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