Lazarus VKG

Lazarus VKG

Lazarus VKG

Author: Takeshi 

This plugin is designed to use the Lazarus VKG API.

Please check this documentation for Lazarus VKG.

Also, check here for API documentation.

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May you search all operations,

Main functions

  • Add Node, Nodes
  • Update Node
  • Delete Node
  • Backup VKG


  • JSON
  • CSV/JSON(Backup)

Table of contents

   1.Parameter Settings

        1. Basic Settings 
        2.Extended Settings
   2. Return value

Parameter Settings

Basic Settings

 - Operation : 

      Select the operation of the plugin.

        - Add Node: Add one node from the text.

        - Add Nodes: Add multiple nodes from a CSV file.

        - Update Node: Update the node from the text.

        - Delete Node: Delete the node.

        - Backup VKG: Back up VKG to CSV and JSON files.

Add NodeAdd NodesUpdate NodeDelete NodeBackup VKG
Base URLBase URLBase URLBase URLBase URL

Node IDNode ID
TextCSC File PathText
Backup Out Path

        All Required

- Base URL :

    Enter the URL of the VKG API endpoint.

- orgID :
     Enter the VKG orgID.

- userID :

      Enter the VKG userID.

- authKey :

      Enter the VKG authKey.

- Extended Settings (Advanced)

    - VKG ID :

        Enter the VKG ID.

    - Node ID :

        Enter the Node ID.

    - Text :

        Enter the text of the node to be added or updated.

    - CSV File Path :

        Select the CSV file to be used for adding multiple nodes.

    - Backup Out Path :

        Select the destination folder to output files for backup.

2.Return Value

- Result Type
   1.String : String(JSON)
   2. CSV: -
   3. File : String / JSON

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