Folder Monitor
Suppose you have a folder like this.
Usage 1
Below settings translate to: Find how many .docx file s are in the folder C:\Users\sato3\Desktop\Customer Demo Folder\Folder C
(example above and store the result in the User Variable {{Group.Var01}}
{{Group.Var01}} will hold “2”
Usage 2
Below settings translate to: Check the folder C:\Users\sato3\Desktop\Customer Demo Folder\Folder C and store the details of all the .docx file such as file paths and file sizes.
The resulted CSV will look like below with headers --- [index, filepath, filesize]
When using the data, you must specify like below. (in this case the group name is: Folder_C)
More information in Benny's Secret Functions.
You can use two File Monitor consecutively to get # of files and file data.
Usage 3
How to build a simple but reliable watch dog trigger for your bot.
- Simple “watch dog” automation
- General Parameter Settings
- Advanced settings enable extracting more file details.
All Plugins
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- Arithmetic Op
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- Attach Image
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- Codat API
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- Convert Image
- Convert Image II
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- Dashboard Api
- DashBord Api
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- Detect CharSet
- Dialog Calendar
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- Dialog Text Info
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- DirectCloud API
- Doc2TXT
- DocDigitizer Get Doc
- DocDigitizer Tracking
- DocDigitizer Upload
- Drag and Drop
- Dropbox
- Dynamic Python
- Email IMAP ReadMon
- Email Read Mon
- Env C