Svc Check

Svc Check


Author: Jerry Chae


The SVC (Service) Check plugin is for simply checking the network specific service connections by IP address and port number on local or remote machine. This is useful to check “connections” to solutions such as database or web server before an automation scenario attempts to access such solutions.

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Technical contact to tech@argos-labs.com

May you search all operations,

Input (Required)

1)      Host name                  (IP address or “localhost”

2)      Port number              (port number of the solution/service)


Advanced Input (Optional)

1)      Return CSV                 If checked, the plugin will return CSV with 3 headers

      Headers are [host, post, status]

      If not checked the plugin returns alive or dead status only (default is 1 or 0)

2)      Alive code                   Returns value when the service successfully connected (default is 1)

3)      Dead code                  Returns value when the service connection failed or rejected (default is 0)



Return Value

Contains value of your choice at the Advanced Input

Same for String, CSV, and File


Return Code

                0 for success

                99 for everything else


How to set parameters

Return Code

0Execution successful
1Execution failed

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