Google Token

Google Token

Google Token

Author: Irene Cho 

This plugin creates a token.pickle file which stores the credential information of Google API.

Primary Features

  • The file token.pickle stores the user’s access and refresh tokens, and is created automatically when the authorization flow completes for the first time.
  • The file can be used for Google API such as Google Drive or Google Sheets.


  • Google API credentials from google console are required to access private google services

Need help?

Technical contact to tech@argos-labs.com

May you search all operations,

1. Creating Google API credentials

(정보) Please read this guideline: https://developers.google.com/drive/api/v3/about-auth

 1. Log in in to Google API Console https://console.developers.google.com/ and search the Google API you want to use (e.g. Google Drive)

    2. Enable the API and set a product name on the consent screen.

3. In OAuth consent screen, choose external as a user type and put a proper email address in support email.

4. Get back to Credentials section, click ‘OAuth client ID’ in Create Credentials tab, select proper application type and create client ID.

  • Recommend ‘Desktop app’ as an application type.

5. Download the Client IDs file and rename the file as ‘credentials’.


2. Example of the plugin in STU

If server takes more than 2 mins, close the browser, and rerun the operation.

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