Dashboard Api

DashBord Api

DashBord Api

Author:  Arun Kumar(arunk@argos-labs.com)

Dashboard Api with this plug-in can download file from url.


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Technical contact to tech@argos-labs.com

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Display NameParametersOutPut
HostServer IPstr(data)
Bot Status DataJson data to create or update Bot status
Bot Detais DataJson data to add Bot Details


  • The Json keys for Bot Status and Bot Details data are independent.
  • Max 20 column can be inserted for Bot Status and Bot Details data.

Bot Status Data

  • The first Json value must represent the Bot name
  • The second Json value must indicate the total tasks
  • The third Json value must denote completed taks

Bot Details data

The first Josn value must specify the Bot name

Normal Case

Description of the output result

Return Code

1Exceptional case

Output Format

You may choose one of 3 output format below

  • String(default)
  • CSV
  • File


Need help?

Technical contact to tech@argos-labs.com

Sales contact to info@argos-labs.com

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