Print 2 Image

Print 2 Image

Print 2 Image

Author: Taiki Shimasaki



The Print2Image plugin converts MS Office files and Adobe PDF files into image files (and pdf file too).

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Required Input

  • File path of the original (source) file.

  • Folder path of the output file.

  • Type (extension) of the output image file.


  •  Image file --- following 5 file formats are supported

    - .png

    - .jpg

    - .bmp

    - .gif

    - .pdf


Return Value

  • Full file path of the output image file

    - String: File Path(full path)

    - CSV: File Path(full path)

    - File: File Path(full path)

Optional Input

File Name:

You can specify output file name. If left unchecked, the original file name will be used for the output file.

Following characters are not allowed to use in the output filename.

\\, /, :, *, ", <, >, |

When above characters are detected the settings at the File Name Validation will apply.

When extension is specified here, it will be given priority over other settings such as file-type options.

The full path including file name and the extension cannot exceed the max char count of 260. 261 will fail the plugin.

File Name Validation:

You can specify different options when a problem with the output file name has been detected.

  1. Return Failure:When problem(s) has been detected with the file name the plugin will simply return failure and the bot will stop.
  2. Sanitize: When problem(s) has been detected, the plugin will automatically delete the prohibited characters. When reserved char-strings by Windows are used the file name this option will add an underscore (_) at the end.

Please note that [COM0 and LPT0] are NOT allowed but they are not detectable with this feature and use of such char-strings will simply results in no-file.

If File Exists:

This option detects if the output file already exists and defines options when it does.

  1. Return Failure: If a file with the same file name exists it would simple fail to execute the bot.
  2. Add (n) at End: If a file with the same file name exist, the plugin will make a new file but will add a numeric index (n) at the end of the file name. such as output(1).txt
  3. Overwrite: If this options has been chosen, when the same file already exists with the output file name, the plugin overwrites it.

Advanced Option

Remove end's \n:

If ON, removes the newline at the end of the line for the Return Value file path.

This option is effective when there is only one file to be created and the file path is set in User Variables.

When multiple files are created, it is not recommended to turn it on, since all file paths will be displayed on a single line.

The default setting is OFF.

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