String Similarity-3.1116.1740
Input (Required)
- Set of right character strings in CSV
- One unvalidated character string
Advanced Input (Optional)
- # of rows for headers – if the input CSV has a header row(s), the plugin ignores the head row(s) specified here.
- Threshold of similarity – Set integer between 1 and 100 with default 70. If none of the character string gives any score higher than the threshold the plugin returns an error (return code = 1)
- Check for ignoring upper/lower cases
- Option to return a CSV as output – the plugin returns CSV with all the scores.
Return Value
- A character string of best match (String, CSV, and File)
- CSV with all scores (Sting, CSV, and File)
Return Code
0 for successful execution
1 for no match (no character string give higher score than the threshold)
99 All other failures