Available only in PAM version R24.0201 (Python 3.7) and earlier versions.
Input (Required)
- Endpoint
- API Key
- Company Id
Plugin Operations and Parameters
Operations | Parameters | Output |
Get Customer ID | Endpoint, API Key, Company Id | Name, Id (csv) |
Get Connection ID | Endpoint, API Key, Company Id | Connection Id (str) |
Create Invoice | Connection Id | Invoice Id (str) |
Invoice Datafile: An absolute file path of the invoice file. Refer to the invoice template. | ||
Retrieve Invoice | Invoice Id | File path of the invoice file (str) |
Output(optional): Specify the absolute output file path |
Invoice Template in Codat API
- To create an invoice using Codat API, you must follow the certain format of invoice data (json).
- The only required parameter to create an invoice is Customer Id. It can be obtained from the operation of ‘Get Customer Id’ in Codat plugin.
See Below for the sample json file for Codat invoice creation
{ "currency": "GBP", "currencyRate": 1.0, "id": "str", "invoiceNumber": __Invoice Number__, "customerRef": { "id": __CustomerID__ }, "issueDate": __Invoice Date__, "dueDate": __Due Date__, "lineItems": [ { "accountRef": { "id": "string", "name": "string" }, "description": "string", "discountAmount": 0, "discountPercentage": 0, "itemRef": { "id": "string", "name": "string" }, "quantity": 0, "subTotal": 0, "taxAmount": 0, "taxRateRef": { "id": "string", "name": "string" }, "totalAmount": 0, "tracking": { "categoryRefs": [ { "id": "string", "name": "string" } ], "customerRef": { "companyName": "string", "id": "string" }, "isBilledTo": "Unknown", "projectRef": { "id": "string", "name": "string" } }, "trackingCategoryRefs": [ { "id": "string", "name": "string" } ], "unitAmount": 0 } ], "modifiedDate": "2021-01-25T17:41:01.729Z", "note": "string", "paidOnDate": "2021-01-25T17:41:01.729Z", "paymentAllocations": [ { "accountRef": { "id": "string", "name": "string" }, "allocatedOnDate": "2021-01-25T17:41:01.730Z", "currency": "string", "currencyRate": 0, "date": "2021-01-25T17:41:01.730Z", "id": "string", "note": "string", "reference": "string", "totalAmount": 0 } ], "sourceModifiedDate": "2021-01-25T17:41:01.729Z", "status": "Draft", "subTotal": __Net Total__, "totalAmount": __Gross Total__, "totalDiscount": 0, "totalTaxAmount": 0 }
Additional help information for the Codat website can be accessed from here/
Example of parameter settings
Return Code
Code | Meaning |
0 | Execution successful |
1 | Execution failed |
All Plugins
- ABBYY Download
- ABBYY Status
- ABBYY Upload
- Adv Send Email
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- Arithmetic Op
- ASCII Converter
- Attach Image
- AWS S3
- AWS Textra Rekog
- Base64
- Basic Numerical Operations
- Basic String Manipulation
- Bot Collabo
- Box
- Box II
- Chatwork GetMessage
- Chatwork Notification
- Citizen Log
- Clipboard
- Codat API
- Convert CharSet
- Convert Image
- Convert Image II
- Create Newfile
- Dashboard Api
- DashBord Api
- Data Plot I
- Date OP
- DeepL Free
- Detect CharSet
- Dialog Calendar
- Dialog Error
- Dialog File Selection
- Dialog Forms
- Dialog Info
- Dialog Password
- Dialog Question
- Dialog Text Entry
- Dialog Text Info
- Dialog Warning
- DirectCloud API
- Doc2TXT
- DocDigitizer Get Doc
- DocDigitizer Tracking
- DocDigitizer Upload
- Drag and Drop
- Dropbox
- Dynamic Python
- Email IMAP ReadMon
- Email Read Mon
- Env Check
- Env Var
- Excel2Image
- Excel Advanced
- Excel Advance IV
- Excel AdvII
- Excel AdvIII
- Excel Copy Paste
- Excel Formula
- Excel Large Files
- Excel Macro
- Excel Newfile
- Excel Simple Read
- Excel Simple Write
- Excel Style
- Excel Update
- Fairy Devices mimi AI
- File Conv
- File Downloader
- File Folder Exists
- File Folder Op
- File Status
- Fixed Form Processing
- Floating Form Processing
- Folder Monitor
- Folder Status
- Folder Structure
- FTP Server
- Git HTML Extract
- Google Calendar
- Google Cloud Vision API
- Google Drive
- Google Search API
- Google Sheets
- Google Token
- Google Translate
- Google TTS
- GraphQL API
- Html Extract
- HTML Table
- IBM Speech to Text
- IBM Visual Recognition
- Java UI Automation
- JP Holiday
- JSON Select
- JSON to from CSV
- Lazarus Forms
- Lazarus FTP
- Lazarus Grid
- Lazarus Invoices
- Lazarus RikAI
- Lazarus RikAI2
- Lazarus RikAI2 Async
- Lazarus Riky
- Lazarus VKG
- LINE Notify
- LINE Receipt OCR
- Mangdoc AI Docs
- Microsoft Teams
- MongoDB
- MQTT Publisher
- MS Azure Text Analytics
- MS Word Extract
- Newuser-SFDC
- OCR PreProcess
- OpenAI API
- Oracle SQL
- Outlook
- Outlook Email
- pandas II
- pandas III
- PANDAS profiling
- Parsehub
- Password Generate
- Path Manipulation
- PDF2Doc
- PDF2Table
- PDF Miner
- PDF SplitMerge
- PDF Viewer(Start/Stop)
- PostgreSQL
- Power Query
- PowerShell
- PPTX Template
- Print 2 Image
- Python Selenium
- QR Generate
- QR Read
- RakurakuHanbai API
- Regression
- Rename File
- Rossum
- Running GAS
- Scrapy Basic
- Screen Capture
- Screen Recording START
- Screen Recording STOP
- Screen Snipping
- Seaborn Plot
- SharePoint
- Simple Counter
- Simple SFDC
- Slack
- Sort CSV
- Speed Test
- SQLite
- SSH Command
- SSH Copy
- String Manipulation
- String Similarity
- Svc Check
- Sys Info
- Telegram
- Tesseract
- Text2PDF
- Text2Word
- Text Read
- Text Write
- Time Diff
- Time Stamp
- Web Extract
- Windows Op
- Windows Screen Lock
- Win UI Control
- Win UI Text
- Word2PDF
- Word2TXT
- Word Editor
- Work Calendar
- XML Extract
- XML Manipulation
- Xtracta Get Doc
- Xtracta Tracking
- Xtracta Upload
- YouTube Operation
- ZipUnzip