


Author:  Jerry Chae

(warning) When you type your script directly to the “Script” text box, you are not allowed to use double quotation marks [“]. Please use single quotation marks [‘].

This plugin allows your bot to execute PowerShell scripts. It can either take the command (directly) or can take the script written in a text file. (.txt) The return values from the PowerShell (if any) will be returned as Return Value.

  • Here is more about PowerShell.


  • This website contains many PowerShell script samples


Need help?

Technical contact to tech@argos-labs.com

May you search all operations,

Required Input

  • Script (either direct input of via text file (.txt)

  • Parameters that the Script can use (if any)

Output/Return Value

  • Return value from the PowerShell will be passed on to PAM’s Return Value.

How to set parameters

When your PowerShell script requires parameters to be passed on


  1. Use Script File as opposed to directly inputting the script statemen

(a)  Script Files can be edited and saved by Windows PowerShell ISE


2. Follow PowerShell script syntax to define variables/parameters

(a)  In example below, lines 2, 3, and 4 specifies the variables and parameters

(b)  They should be inserted in to STU’s parameter section like below

Script Params starts with 1 which goes to [0] in the script.

You can find more information at.


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