Basic Numerical Operations

Basic Numerical Operations

Basic Numerical Operations

Author   Pavan K

Primary Features

This plugin covers a broad range of numerical operations such as Round, Round Up, Round Down, Round Up and Round Down Decimal Part, Factorial, Square Root, To Float, To Int, Check Number is even or odd, Truncate the input number.

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Input (Required)

  • Select one of the operations
  • One numerical data = Integer or float

Advanced Input (Optional)

  • Number to indicate round up/down position

Return Value

  • Processed number

Return Code

  • 0                 Success
  • 1                 Failure (Invalid Input Type)
  • 99               All other exceptional cases

Operations and parameters

OperationRoundThis function returns a floating point number that is a rounded version of the specified number, with the specified number of decimals.1.92
 Round UpThis function always rounds a number up to the next largest integer.2.33
 Round DownThis function returns the largest integer less than or equal to a given number.2.32
 To FloatThis function always rounds a number up to the next largest integer.100100
 To IntThis function returns an integer object from any number.2.3652
 Square rootThis function returns the square root of a number.14412
 TruncateThis function returns the integer part of a number by removing any fractional digits.10.36210
 FactorialThis function from the math module returns the factorial value for a given integer.103628800
 IsOddReturn True If Input Data is Odd Else False.3TRUE
 IsEvenReturn True If Input Data is Even Else False.2TRUE
 Decimal Round UpThis function always rounds a number up to the next largest Decimal by given precision3.141593.1416
   Rnd Pr = 5 
 Decimal Round DownThis function returns the largest Decimal less than or equal to a given Decimal by given precision3.141593.1415
   Rnd Pr = 5 
Input Data
User input Digits (Integer or Float)
Round Precision2 (Integer type)Only valid for Decimal Round Up or Decimal Round Down operation

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