Fairy Devices mimi AI

Fairy Devices mimi AI

Fairy Devices mimi AI

Acknowledgement: mimi AI plugin includes the publicly available API for the mimi NLP AI by Fairy Devices Inc of Tokyo Japan.

Primary Features

Mimi AI includes the following functions.

  1. Translation
  2. Text-to-Speech
  3. Audio Recognition

(info)  Before starting, please access this link to obtain [Application ID], [Client ID], and [Client Secret Code].


The website is only available in Japanese. Google account is required.

Need help?

Technical contact to tech@argos-labs.com

May you search all operations,


1) This is a commercial API and end user will be charged by the supplier of this API after a certain amount of free usage.
2) The user license contract must be entered directly between the supplier of this API and the End User.
3) ARGOS LABS will not be responsible for any consequences either tangible or non-tangible that have resulted from usage of this API.



Text to Speech

Audio Recognition

Return Code

0Execution successful
1Execution failed

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