Folder Monitor

Folder Monitor

Folder Monitor

A very powerful tool EDI type automation!

  • This tool checks the contents of a folder for specific file and returns various useful values.
  • Combine File Monitor with Repeat to make a “watch dog” (trigger to start your bot).
  • Use this tool in conjunction with [File/Folder Operations].

Primary Features

  • Check the contents of a folder for specific files.
  • You can define multiple file extensions such as .xls and xlsx, or .jpg and .png, etc.
  • You can set time out for one check duration.
  • It can return many useful values such as # of files, the full file path, and file size as well as base name.

<Troubleshooting Tips>

When your csv (Return Value) gives you “Undefined Variable” error, it is likely that the Folder Monitoring plugin is finding 0 results in the folder.

Please double check your folder path and the file type settings.

QUICK NOTE:  Headers for CSV as Return Value are:    'index', 'filepath', and 'filesize' (case sensitive as variable-names)

Need help?

Technical contact to tech@argos-labs.com

May you search all operations,

Suppose you have a folder like this.

Usage 1

Below settings translate to: Find how many .docx file s are in the folder C:\Users\sato3\Desktop\Customer Demo Folder\Folder C
(example above and store the result in the User Variable {{Group.Var01}}

{{Group.Var01}} will hold “2”

Usage 2

Below settings translate to: Check the folder C:\Users\sato3\Desktop\Customer Demo Folder\Folder C and store the details of all the .docx file such as file paths and file sizes.

The resulted CSV will look like below with headers --- [index, filepath, filesize]

1, C:\Users\sato3\Desktop\Customer Demo Folder\Folder C\sample word 01.docx, 66267

2, C:\Users\sato3\Desktop\Customer Demo Folder\Folder C\sample word 02.docx, 1596454

When using the data, you must specify like below. (in this case the group name is: Folder_C)

{{Folder_C.index(#)}} {{Folder_C.filepath(#)}} {{Folder_C.filesize(#)}} 

Where # should be the row # of CSV.

More information in Benny's Secret Functions.

You can use two File Monitor consecutively to get # of files and file data.

Usage 3

How to build a simple but reliable watch dog trigger for your bot.

  • Simple “watch dog” automation

  • General Parameter Settings

  • Advanced settings enable extracting more file details.

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