DeepL Free

DeepL Free

DeepL Free


This plugin is for using the API of DeepL (free version).

  • Main Features

Text can be translated into various languages.


o   JSON

o   Text

Need help?

Technical contact to tech@argos-labs.com

May you search all operations,

Parameter setting

  • Basic Settings
    • Token :

Enter the token for using the free API.

To obtain a token, register an account at DeepL and you can get it from Account tab on the Account page > Authentication key used for the DeepL API.

  • Source Language :

Select the language of the source text. 

If you select "auto", the text will be automatically detected and translated.

For more information, see the source_lang section of the API Documentation Page.

  • Target Language :

Select the language of the destination text.

If you select "auto", the system will automatically detect the language and translate the text.

For more information, see the source_lang section of the API Documentation Page.

  • Text :

Enter the text to be translated.

Multiple texts can be translated at the same time by adding more texts.

Text from Image

  • Advanced Settings


Return Value

  • Result Type
    1. String : JSON / String
    2. CSV: JSON / String
    3. File : JSON / String


    1. "この電車はどこに行きますか?" to be translated into English

Text: Where does this train go?

Execution Result:

{"translations":[{"detected_source_language": "JA", "text": "Where does this train go?"}]}

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