Python Selenium

Python Selenium

Python Selenium

Author: Jerry Chae


HTML and Browser technological knowledge is required as well as good understanding about how Webapps behave under certain situations. Python skills are required but entry level Python is sufficient.



This plugin does the following.

  1. Starts browser.
  2. Detects the browser version.
  3. Finds Selenium driver version that fits the result of “2”.
  4. Installs it, prepares for the Python code, and cache if for reuse.

Need help?

Technical contact to tech@argos-labs.com

May you search all operations,

Step-by-step instruction for how to write the Python code for the Python Selenium plugin.

(lightbulb) Download pdf from here.

1)      Excel to Webapp

2)      Web scraping

3)     More explanations for the code structure, class, and methods

Browsers supported.

Microsoft EDGE:         New versions only (No support for EDGE Legacy versions)

Google Chrome:          Newer versions from 85 are supported.

Note) As all Browser updates are followed by Selenium driver updates, the Python Selenium plugin updates will be following the Selenium driver catch ups.


How to set parameters.


Input (required)

Selection of Browser

Python code (see the Step-by-step instruction about how to make the Python code above)


Input (optional)

Parameters as designed by the Python code

Encoding settings --- the plugin assume the Python code file (text) will be in UTF8. If not, you must specify the encoding of the Python text file.

Screen width and height for the browser

Return Value

Python coders can fully use the ARGOS POT SDK standard Return Value features. The specifications are compliant to conventional “stdout” standard. More detailed explanations for how to use Return Value is available in the step-by-step Python coding guides.

  • Sting    available to Python code
  • CSV      available to Python code
  • File      available to Python code

Result Code

  • 0          success
  • 1          everything but success

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