- Credentials
● Token - Chat Id
- Message
- File (file path) (Only when sending as a User)
Crate a Telegram bot
- Login to your Telegram account (either with browser or with app): https://t.me/botfather
- Send messages to BotFather
- Click ‘START’.
- Type ‘/newbot’.
- Type the name of your bot.
- Type the username for your bot.
- Save your token.
3. Invite your bot into a channel and send messages.
Parameter Settings
1. ‘Find a Chat Id’: To get a chat id, you must invite the bot into the channel and start the conversation.
- ‘id’ is Chat Id
- The output may be different depending on the types of a chat which are private, channel, group, and supergroup.
2. ‘Send a message and file’
Return Value
- Select [Sting]
- Success: User definable (default is 0)
- Failure: Print error message but the bot will still run
All Plugins
- ABBYY Download
- ABBYY Status
- ABBYY Upload
- Adv Send Email
- API Requests
- Arithmetic Op
- ASCII Converter
- Attach Image
- AWS S3
- AWS Textra Rekog
- Base64
- Basic Numerical Operations
- Basic String Manipulation
- Bot Collabo
- Box
- Box II
- Chatwork GetMessage
- Chatwork Notification
- Citizen Log
- Clipboard
- Codat API
- Convert CharSet
- Convert Image
- Convert Image II
- Create Newfile
- Data Plot I
- DeepL Free
- Detect CharSet
- Dialog Calendar
- Dialog Error
- Dialog File Selection
- Dialog Forms
- Dialog Info
- Dialog Password
- Dialog Question
- Dialog Text Entry
- Dialog Text Info
- Dialog Warning
- DirectCloud API
- Doc2TXT
- DocDigitizer Get Doc
- DocDigitizer Tracking
- DocDigitizer Upload
- Docker Remote Service
- Drag and Drop
- Dropbox
- Dynamic Python
- Email IMAP ReadMon
- Email Read Mon
- Env Check
- Env Var
- Excel2Image
- Excel Advanced
- Excel Advance IV
- Excel AdvII
- Excel AdvIII
- Excel Copy Paste
- Excel Formula
- Excel Large Files
- Excel Macro
- Excel Newfile
- Excel Simple Read
- Excel Simple Write
- Excel Style
- Excel Update
- Fairy Devices mimi AI
- File Conv
- File Downloader
- File Folder Exists
- File Folder Op
- File Status
- Fixed Form Processing
- Floating Form Processing
- Folder Monitor
- Folder Status
- Folder Structure
- FTP Server
- Git HTML Extract
- Google Calendar
- Google Cloud Vision API
- Google Drive
- Google Search API
- Google Sheets
- Google Token
- Google Translate
- Google TTS
- GraphQL API
- Html Extract
- HTML Table
- IBM Speech to Text
- IBM Visual Recognition
- Java UI Automation
- JP Holiday
- JSON Select
- JSON to from CSV
- Lazarus Forms
- Lazarus Invoices
- Lazarus RikAI
- Lazarus Riky
- LINE Notify
- LINE Receipt OCR
- Microsoft Teams
- MongoDB
- MQTT Publisher
- MS Azure Text Analytics
- MS Word Extract
- Newuser-SFDC
- OCR PreProcess
- OpenAI API
- Oracle SQL
- Outlook
- Outlook Email
- pandas II
- pandas III
- PANDAS profiling
- Parsehub
- Password Generate
- Path Manipulation
- PDF2Doc
- PDF2Table
- PDF Miner
- PDF SplitMerge
- PostgreSQL
- PowerShell
- PPTX Template
- Print 2 Image
- Python Selenium
- QR Generate
- QR Read
- RakurakuHanbai API
- Regression
- Rename File
- Rossum
- Running GAS
- Scrapy Basic
- Screen Capture
- Screen Recording START
- Screen Recording STOP
- Screen Snipping
- Seaborn Plot
- SharePoint
- Simple Counter
- Simple SFDC
- Slack
- Sort CSV
- Speed Test
- SQLite
- SSH Command
- SSH Copy
- String Manipulation
- String Similarity
- Svc Check
- Sys Info
- Telegram
- Tesseract
- Text2PDF
- Text2Word
- Text Read
- Text Write
- Time Diff
- Time Stamp
- Web Extract
- Windows Op
- Windows Screen Lock
- Win UI Control
- Win UI Text
- Word2PDF
- Word2TXT
- Word Editor
- Work Calendar
- XML Extract
- XML Manipulation
- Xtracta Get Doc
- Xtracta Tracking
- Xtracta Upload
- YouTube Operation
- ZipUnzip
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