Excel Formula

Excel Formula

Excel Formula

Author: Irene Cho

This plugin simply inserts an Excel formula to either a .csv file or an .xlsx file.

Need help?

Technical contact to tech@argos-labs.com

May you search all operations,

Required Input

  1. .csv or .xlsx file (a full file path or variable which contents one).
  2. Cell ID at which the formula will be stored.
  3. Excel formula itself.

Optional Input

  1. Sheet name.
  2. File path/file name if you want to store the results to a separate file (no change will be made to the original file).
  3. Formula result value (data) to be returned instead of the full file-path.
  4. Encoding format.

Output/Return Value

  1. String should be chosen.
  2. Return Value will be either the file-path or the formula execution result (value/data).

How to set parameters

Return Code

0Execution successful
1Execution failed

All Plugins

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