


Author: Jerry Chae

Rossum plugin sends document and forms (image file such as PDF) to Rossum AI OCR engine in the cloud and returns data in forms of JSON, CSV, and XML.


  • Users require signing up with Rossum for User Account.
  • Users require commercial or non-commercial agreement (such as Free Trial) with Rossum.
  • Users must complete training of the Queue and switch its automation level to “Always”
  • The Assist-o-mation execution environment must be connected to the Internet.

(warning) [Rossum] plugin uses the official API released from Rossum AI https://rossum.ai/  Product names and logos are properties of Rossum AI.

Need help?

Technical contact to tech@argos-labs.com

May you search all operations,

Instructions to Sign-up, Train AI, and change Queue automation status to Always.

  1. Visit Rossum AI website https://rossum.ai/

  2. Sign up to create account

3. Follow instructions at Rossum and create queue and train AI for your form (…quite nice UX actually)

4. After training is done, switch Queue automation level to “Always”.

How to set the plugin parameters

Return Code

0Execution successful
1Execution failed

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