What should I do when STU plugins like Convert Charset and Excel Advance III give an error saying that Encoding format is invalid
Q. Where is the result of OCR stored?
Q. How does variables in Plugins work?
Q. STU crashed before I saved the bot. Can I recover it?
Q. How to change the default save path?
Q. Do OCR Library's Google Vision API and Tesseract have different usage criteria?
Q. What is ‘Duration’ in Shortcut keys?
Q. When using Clipping image, what is ‘0’ box?
Q. How can I use repeat inside of ‘Repeat’ action?
Q. The scenario isn’t working Because of App title has been changed, what should I do?
Q. Do I have to use 'Repeat' to check one word listed in String Manipulation?
Q. What should I do in case of Image match fails?
Q. How can I set 'Image Match' if the setting image changes after setting button?
Q. Java script, HTML action isn't working on my browser, is there a reason for this matter?
Q. I often use ‘Send Email’ a lot but it’s is annoying that I’ve to enter my mail info every time.
Q. How can I change all the time out value at once?
Q. What is the meaning of line in 'Scroll'?
Q. I want to see the pop-up again after checking “Do not show next” in User Params.
Q. To use 'Window Object', I need to turn on developer mode. Where do I turn it on?
Q. Is there a way to see the last test run results of my scenario in STU?
Q. PAM and STU did not work because an error occurred. What should I do?
Q. Can someone else take over control of my scenario? How can I share my scenario?
Q. Which operation can use the variable specified in Set Variable Operation?
Q. How to set 'drag' with 'Locate Image'?
Q. How can I start chrome incognito window. How can I do it?
Q. I’d like to check my data where data time is time I want.
Q. I input wrong key in Shortcut Keys but I cannot delete it. How to modify it?
Q. I used my Google account in send E-mail operation but it doesn’t seems to be working. Why?
Q. My SMTP settings in STU got deleted. Is there any way I can get it back?
Q. How do you set up the IF - Then - Else logic with STU?
Q. What is the best way to repeat inside of ‘Repeat' operation?