Can you share STU and PAM among multiple Windows Users on the same laptop
Q. Where is the result of OCR stored?
Q. How does variables in Plugins work?
Q. STU crashed before I saved the bot. Can I recover it?
Q. How to change the default save path?
Q. Do OCR Library's Google Vision API and Tesseract have different usage criteria?
Q. What is ‘Duration’ in Shortcut keys?
Q. When using Clipping image, what is ‘0’ box?
Q. How can I use repeat inside of ‘Repeat’ action?
Q. The scenario isn’t working Because of App title has been changed, what should I do?
Q. Do I have to use 'Repeat' to check one word listed in String Manipulation?
Q. What should I do in case of Image match fails?
Q. How can I set 'Image Match' if the setting image changes after setting button?
Q. Java script, HTML action isn't working on my browser, is there a reason for this matter?