The Step-by-Step Open API Workflow

The Step-by-Step Open API Workflow

1.    Generate API TOKEN

Click the plus button to generate an API Tokens if you have none on your API TOKEN LIST

You can copy one of your API Tokens from API Token List.

       2.    Obtain PAM ID and Scenario ID using PAM/SCENARIO LIST APIs

Click the API test button to get a list of your PAM/SCENARIO IDs.

Enter your API Token to call pam/scenario lists. 

Remember apiPamId values and apiScenarioId values to execute sendOndemand API.

 3.    Run bots by calling sendOndemand API

Click the API test button to execute sendOndemand API.

Enter your API Token on Parameter section and fill the fields with your information on Request Body section.

4.    If Http Authentication is necessary for your end point

Click the ADD (+) button to add http authentication information.

Select an authentication type in a dropdown list. (Default value is None).

Enter your domain, username, password information and Save. 

Scenario List

Pam List

Run OnDemand

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