How to start STU
How to start STU
Dec 01, 2023
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1. STU Overview
Click on ARGOS STU icon on the desktop after install STU. How to install STU?
There are 5 sections on STU.
2. Sections
- Section introduction.
There are Menu bar, Scenario& Steps, Operations, Timeline and Properties panel. Scenario& Steps details.
Simply set Scenario name, Description, Timeout, add and delete steps.- Operations details.
There are Action, Verification, System Calls, Interactives and Plugin. - Timeline details.
The operation can be added to the time line by drag and drop or clicking "+" icon in the bottom. Each operation has its own property. Click on the operation and set property.
3. Menus - File and Run
- File menu details.
- New(Auto Recording): This is used when you want ARGOS STU to automatically create an automation for you.
All you have do is started auto recording by clicking on it and carry out the steps that you normally to transact a process. When you stop the recording by clicking back on the STU icon in the task bar or by hitting the keys 'Ctrl', 'Alt', ‘c’ simultaneously. - Load from file: Open a file from your local machine on your computer.
- Load from Server: Open a file from ARGOS cloud server.
- Save as: Save the automation locally on your computer.
- Save to Server: Save it on the ARGOS cloud server.
- Save as ... to Server: Save an already existing file on the cloud server with the different name.
- Make EXE: When you want to run the automation from multiple machines, make as the exe file
- Import: The scenario can be saved as zip file
- Import step: Only steps can be saved as zip file.
- New(Auto Recording): This is used when you want ARGOS STU to automatically create an automation for you.
- Test run: This is to be used to test and automation that was developed.
Test Result.
At the end of the scenario, there is a test result window which shows the status of each and every operation that was executed. - Show last test run results: If you want to see the log of the last test run select the option shows last test run results. If you want to append and auto recording to an already existing scenario the new auto recording option under the file menu is to create an entire new automation scenario while the option under the menu is to insert an auto recording to an existing automation.
- Test run: This is to be used to test and automation that was developed.
4. Menus - Settings and Help
- Settings menu details.
- User variables in Scenario: This is the place where we define the variables that will be used in the automation. Variables are two types.
1) ‘Array’ can hold multiple values.
2) ‘Non array’ can hold only a single value.How to set User variables in Scenario?
- User variables in Scenario: This is the place where we define the variables that will be used in the automation. Variables are two types.
- Scenario file path: The path on the local machine where the automation scenario will be installed.
- Image file path: The path of the local computer where the images will be installed.
- Agent path: The path shows the location where key ARGOS components have been installed.
- Operation: Default maximum time for each of operations.
- Language: Users can choose language.
3. SMTP menu details.
In case your automation requires you to send out the email alert or email to end users you can define SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) in this menu.
4. Help menu details. Movie menu has moved to under Help on the current version.
- Movie: This is going to take you directly to the video page on your website.We have about 50 tutorials that are help in your bot development.
- Benny's Secret Functions: Special tips about STU. Here is the link.
- Supervisor: Direct link to ARGOS Supervisor.
- tech@argos-labs.com: Email contact.
- Information: Version information.
, multiple selections available,
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