Running PAM on VM

Running PAM on VM

PAM can be installed on VM. 


Recommended settings.


  1. Make sure PAM has access to all ARGOS solution servers (either SaaS or On-Prem)
    1. In case you are using the SaaS (SV on AWS) solution

                                          i.    Domain

          1. rpa.argos-labs.com
          2. api2-rpa.argos-labs.com
          3. patch-rpa.argos-labs.com
          4. pypi2-plugin.argos-labs.com

                                         ii.    List of IP

          1. AWS EC2:          
          2. AWS CloudFront:
          3. Proxy:                

                                        iii.    Ports

          1. 443/TCP
          2. 80/TCP as fall back to 443/TCP
    1. In case of On-Prem deployment

                                          i.    Domain

          1. 3 URL prepared by customer and should be registered on DNS
            1. https://<hostname for Dashboard >.<customer’s domain>
            2. https://api-<hostname>.<customer’s domain>
            3. https://plugin-<hostname>.<customer’s domain>

ex)  rpa.argos-labs.com, api-rpa.argos-labs.com, plugin-rpa.argos-labs.com

                                         ii.    List of IP

          1. Prepared by customer

                                        iii.    Ports

          1. 443/TCP
          2. 80/TCP as fall back to 443/TCP


2. Turn off “Automated Windows Update” (because you never know when Microsoft decides to do it.)


3. Switch off power-saving/sleep features


4. Windows user lock should be disabled

5.    (tick)<IMPORTANT> Enable Auto-Login for Windows 10 RDP

This is important because Windows locks the user whenever RDP session has been disconnected. This may prevent the BOTs from running or may cause issues especially when they use “image base automation”.

Here is a useful link as to how to enable Auto-Login for Windows 10 RDP



6.    If 5 above is not possible and your BOTs are using image base automation scheme, you will need a “SUPPORT PC” because you must secure the screen resolution following approaches.

1) Using either a physical PC or another virtual machine, maintain a remote session by RDP, VNC, TeamViewer, or AnyDesk with the required “Display Settings” (resolution and scaling”) by the BOTs. While keeping the remote session, the second PC (either physical or virtual) can be operated for other tasks.

 It is sufficient to minimize other VM session windows while doing other work.

The SUPPORT PC can be headless.

This comes from Windows limitations that it does not manage the screen settings on VM when there is no human watching its screen. The Image Process base navigation naturally requires the screen (monitor) to be stable and consistent including its resolution. Therefore a remote session has to be active.

Please Note

Screen saver, user lock, and power management (auto sleep) features must be all turned OFF.

In general, PAM on VM does not require remote session when the bot does not use Image Process base automation navigation sch

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