Action Name | Descriptions |
Text to Speech | - Text-To-Speech Support using Google TTS engine
File Monitor | - Monitor the status changes of folder by file operations such like create/delete/move.
This is used to create a workflow that is triggered by file creation. - Get a file list and iterate process each file
This is used to create a list of files, and use 'Repeat' to iterate through the files in the list.
File/Folder Op | - Operation target: file or folder
- Available operations: copy / move / remove
- All operations include subfolders by default.
- Advanced options:
- Preserve: This will preserve the timestamp of source file/folder while copying / moving.
- Symlink:
- Update: This will overwrite when the timestamp of source file/folder is newer than destination
SSH Command | - Connect to a *nix server using SSH
- Run a simple CLI command and get the results
- The returned results can be saved as an Array variable, and used in next operations.