What is 'Windows Protected your PC' message ?

What is 'Windows Protected your PC' message ?

Is it safe to ignore 'Windows Protected your PC' message when installing 'ARGOS'?


You can see this warning message when the code signing certification is changed. Because ARGOR has been authorized from global SSL certificates company, ComodoSSL, you can install & use without any worrying anything. ARGOS does not contain any malicious code or virus-like code.

How do I do if I see the message ?

  1. Click 'More Info' and check out it was distributed by ARGOS LABS.
    Normal message is like this.

    App: ARGOS RPA+ ScenarioStudio.R19.0723.exe

    Publisher: ARGOS LABS

  2. Click 'Run anyway' and proceed your installation to next
  3. Click 'Yes"  when you see "Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?"

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What is 'Windows Protected your PC' message ?

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