1. When READ, here are the tips
- You need a source file either xlsx or csv.
- You can specify sheet and range.
- You will read the data and store it in forms of String, CSV (Internal to bot), or File (usually CSV or TXT, external file location).
2. When WRITE, here are the tips
- You need a source file either xlsx or csv.
- You can specify sheet and range to read from.
- You specify a target file either xlsx or csv.
- If target file is not found, the Excel Advanced plugin will automatically create the file.
- If target file exists, the Excel Advance plugin will overwrite the specified cells.
- The data will be simultaneously and store it in forms of String, CSV (Internal to bot), or File (usually CSV or TXT, external file location).
More tips about the Plugin [Return Value] types.
3. How to use Pivot option
- Here is your source EXCEL.
- Pivot option will result in this Excel.
- The settings look like this.
- If you want an internally stored CSV, the setting will look like this.
Then your plugin variable {{test.A2(4)}} will produce E2.
Your row 1 will become headers. Row 2 to 5 are the data.
Plugin variable does not support 1 row CSV.
4. Plugin Return Values are Output
Result Type : String
Variable name
String will be stored internally.
You must set user-variable and assigned it here. (not an array)
Result Type : CSV
Group name
CSV will be stored internally.
No need for pre-setting the user-variable. Group name becomes the variable group name. Columns and rows are indicated as in example below.
{{group name.A(1)}}
Note: Column is uppercase only.
Result Type : File
Valuable name
In case, you desire to store the File path in a preset user variable, you can specify it here.
File path
File will be stored externally. It is either csv or txt. Full path need to be specified at File path. File does not need to be present. If the file not found, it would be generated automatically. If it is present, it would be overwritten.